Featured Self Help

Note To Self: Believing in Myself is Key

When you come across a challenging situation, how do you react?

Do you feel confident that you can eventually figure out a way to accomplish it?

Or do you feel intimidated and want to throw in the towel without even trying?

Your answer lies in how much self-efficacy you possess.

Self-efficacy is defined as a person’s belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. It may be a general kind (i.e. Your overall faith in yourself) or be more specific (i.e. Academic, parenting, or sports).

Self-efficacy is related to but NOT the same as the following concepts:

Self-efficacy and self-esteem.

Self-esteem is defined as a general or overall feeling of one’s worth or value. It is focused more on “being” (i.e. the feeling that you are perfectly acceptable as you are), while self-efficacy is more focused on “doing” (i.e. the feeling that you are up for a challenge).

Having high self-worth can definitely improve your sense of self-efficacy, while high self-efficacy can contribute to your overall value or worth.

Self-efficacy and self-regulation.

Self-regulation involves controlling your behavior, emotions, and thoughts on the pursuit of long-term goals. In short, it is a strategy for achieving your goals, while self-efficacy is the belief that you can accomplish those goals.

Self-efficacy and motivation

The former is based on your belief in your capacity to achieve something, while the latter is your desire to achieve it. Those with high self-efficacy often have high motivation and vice versa, though it is not always the case.

Self-efficacy and resilience.

Resilience is our capability to recover quickly from difficulties. People with a high level of efficacy are more likely to try again after encountering failure, thereby increasing their resilience.

Self-efficacy and confidence

In his book “Self-Efficacy: The Exercise of Control” Canadian-American psychologist and one of the world’s leading experts on self-efficacy Albert Bandura defines “confidence” as “a non-descript term that refers to strength of belief but does not necessarily specify what the certainty is about.” On the other hand, self-efficacy is more specific — it is the certainty that one can deal with any situation handed to them. Someone who is highly confident in his abilities will be more likely to succeed, thereby providing him with experiences to develop his self-efficacy. This high self-efficacy, in turn, gives him more confidence in himself.

Self-efficacy and mental health

According to Dr. Bandura, “a person’s self-efficacy influences what coping behavior he will utilize when he encounters stress and challenges, along with determining how much effort will be expended to reach one’s goals and for how long those goals will be pursued.” He adds that people with a strong sense of self-efficacy remain optimistic and confident in their abilities even when things become difficult. They treat problems as challenges rather than threats, and if they fail, they redouble their efforts and look for new ways to succeed. They also tend to be more interested in the tasks they pursue.

On the other hand, Dr. Bandura says that those who are low in self-efficacy tend to avoid difficult tasks and set goals, and have low levels of commitment to the ones they do make. When setbacks happen, they tend to give up quickly. Stressful situations become hard to deal with and they are more likely to experience feelings of failure and despondency.

How to develop self-efficacy

You can improve your sense of self-efficacy by learning how to minimize stress and elevate your mood when faced with challenging tasks. Below are some ways:

Observe others.

According to Dr. Bandura, vicarious experiences obtained through peer modelling is an important way to establish and strengthen self-efficacy. Keep company with people who have high self-efficacy so that when you see them putting in effort and succeeding, you increase your belief in your own ability to succeed as well.

Seek positive affirmations.

Hearing constructive criticism or positive feedback from others can boost your confidence in your abilities and help improve your sense of self-efficacy. In this regard, avoid asking feedback from people who you know are more likely to have a negative or critical view of your performance.

Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions.

Do you find yourself getting stressed out or nervous before a challenging event?

Do negative thoughts enter your mind when you struggle to accomplish something?

If yes, you might feel less sure of your ability to cope with the task at hand. Look for ways to ease your stress levels so that you feel more confident; also, replace negative thoughts with positive self-talk to promote self-belief

Because life is full of stressful moments and challenges, having a high level of self-efficacy can help you deal with these difficulties more effectively. Your belief in your abilities can influence your motivations, the amount of effort you will put into accomplishing your goals, and your personal sense of well-being.

Written by Jacq of Mindnation

Featured Self Help

4 Ways To Stop Feeling Guilty

Guilt is defined as a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined. It’s okay to feel guilty if you know you really did something wrong because it will motivate you to correct your mistakes. However, if you simply think that you should feel guilty, or, worse, that you deserve to feel guilty over something that you said or did, then you are only tormenting and yourself.

Below are some ways you can avoid becoming overwhelmed by irrational guilt:

1. Let the past stay in the past

If your feeling of guilt is connected to an event that you were involved with in the past, then you should learn to accept that it has already happened and there is nothing more you can do about it. An example – you feel guilty because you survived an accident while your companions did not. Feeling bad will not change the outcome; the only way forward is to accept reality, learn from your mistakes, and move on.

2. Realize that nobody is perfect

As the saying goes, to err is human. Everyone commits wrongdoings, whether slight or significant, that he or she will regret later on. Instead of beating yourself up for being less than perfect, focus your efforts on not repeating the same mistakes in the future.

3. Practice self-compassion

We are our own worst critics, and more often than not we will not hesitate to beat ourselves over our mistakes, perceived or otherwise. One way you can be kinder to yourself is to imagine your mistakes happening to a close friend or loved one – would you want him or her to feel the same degree of guilt as you do now? If your answer is no, give yourself the same treatment you would want for that other person.

4. Express your bad feelings in writing or talking

If you are constantly plagued by shame and regret, try to journal your feelings every day so you can build awareness and pinpoint what exactly is causing those guilty feelings. Then you can find ways to deal with it. Studies show that journaling is a very helpful tool in managing your mental health as it helps you deal with overwhelming emotions, and helps you find a healthy way to express yourself. You can also consider seeking help from your loved ones or professional help. These people can give advice on how you can overcome your guilt.

Mindnation psychologists are available for teletherapy sessions 24/7. Book a session now thru

No matter the cause, living with guilt has never been good for one’s mental health. Learn to be kind to yourself by practicing self-forgiveness, letting go of your past regrets, and moving forward.

Written by Jac of Mindnation

Featured Self Help

3 Ways You Can Be More Present in Your Everyday Life

Do you spend most of days running around fulfilling one task or another?

Is your mind constantly buzzing with thoughts, plans, worries, predictions, stresses, or reactions?

Do you find yourself forgetting to eat, take a bath, drink water, or go to the bathroom?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above questions, it may be time for you to switch off your body and mind from autopilot mode and become more present and in the moment – better known as mindfulness. If you don’t, stress will overwhelm your body, leading to more physical and psychological problems in the long-run.

Here are some things you can try whenever you need to realign your focus:

1. Practice Mindful Breathing

We breathe every day, but controlled or mindful breathing is another habit we need to cultivate because studies have shown that this will help calm our minds and shift our attention towards the present moment. One of the things you can do is to practice meditative breathing in a quiet corner which will only take a few minutes of your time. Close your eyes and take slow inhales and exhales through your nose. Count your breaths and don’t fret if your mind starts to wander, that is normal; every time you catch your thoughts drifting, just redirect it back to your breath.

2. Set aside distractions

There is nothing wrong with multitasking as it allows you to accomplish more things in a given time. However, multitasking too much and too often can wreak havoc on your mental health, and this is where our smartphones and gadgets end up causing more harm than good. You may think that checking your notifications or scrolling through your newsfeeds while you are doing something else qualifies as multitasking, but in reality, you are just being distracted. If you want to complete a task faster and with more focus, cut down on the time you spend on your phone – put it in silent mode, someplace far away from you, or turn it off completely.

3. Write it down

Making a to-do list is one of the most effective steps you can take to make your day more organized and less hectic. If you want to plan for the long-term, journaling is another great way to organize your thoughts, plans, and dreams. Instead of going through the day or your life aimlessly, at least you now have targets to achieve. 

In today’s fast-paced world, we spend most of our time doing everything automatically and without putting our mind into it. It’s time to switch off this autopilot mode and start living in the moment. 

Written by Jacq of Mindnation

Featured Self Help

7 Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health During The Coronavirus Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has cost millions of people their lives, jobs, and a sense of security and stability. Fear and uncertainty continue to lead to anxiety and depression for many of us. If you are one of those people whose mental well-being has taken a hit during the pandemic, below are some things you can practice to build your mental resilience, feel more optimistic, and boost your emotional wellness:

1. Focus on what you can control

Fear and negative feelings can make you replay in your mind all the ways the virus has upended your life: “No more going to the movies/concerts/malls/restaurants,” “No more gatherings with friends/family,” “Your choice, at work is either to resign or take a pay cut.” Because all these are beyond your control, thinking about them will only worsen your anxieties. So, shift your focus to parts of your life that you can manage: your daily routine, the meals you will prepare for yourself or your family, and new goals you want to achieve now that you have extra time to spare. Take this time to practice mindfulness and putting more effort into your mental well-being as well.

2. Avoid information overload

More often than not, you want to stay on top of the latest developments about the pandemic; but when you stay glued to your phone, TV, or computer, you will most likely get inundated with bad news like increasing mortality rates, overwhelmed health care workers, or other upsetting and depressing stories. To ease this toll on your mental health, studies suggest that you set boundaries by learning to limit the time you spend watching the news or reading the news on your social media feed.

3. Seek out ways to help

News might get a little negative but there are also pandemic-related news that are uplifting from people donating to the less fortunate, new businesses thriving, and other stories of generosity and compassion. Look for these human-interest bits when you scroll through your newsfeeds to minimize your anxiety and depression. Hopefully, those stories will inspire you so that you can also shine your own light and be the positivity you want to see in your community!

4. Take brain breaks and entertain yourself

Do activities that can take your mind off stress, such as rewatching your favorite sitcom on Netflix or Youtube, doing jigsaw puzzles/cross-stitch patters/paint-by-numbers, and engaging in activities that will allow you to move your body which is proven to help boost endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine, all of the feel-good chemicals in your brain. They make you feel more energized and happier. Another activity you can do to cope with the Coronavirus anxiety is video chatting with friends and family. Studies show that a lack of social connection can not only hurt our mental health, but also, ultimately, our physical health. Being isolated can also result in more anxiety and depression.

MindNation has a 24/7 Friend you can chat with for FREE via Facebook Messenger, too! It’s completely confidential and they’re trained to help you ease your anxieties. Start chatting here: 

5. Set Goals

When there is nothing much to do, resist the temptation to fall into a state of idleness, which will only make your life seem more lost and hopeless. Challenge yourself by taking up new hobbies or projects. It can be as simple as redecorating your room, learning how to bake, learning how to play a musical instrument, or decluttering the different spaces in your house. When you have accomplished something, you will not feel as aimless.

6. Practice kindness with others

Just because you’re not a frontliner does not mean you can’t do your part in helping ease the anxiety. Cook food and share it with those whom you think are in need; donate personal protective equipment to hospitals and other frontliners; order baked goods from your neighbor who was furloughed or laid off from his/her work; get takeout from your favorite restaurant to support small business. There are many ways we can practice kindness to others. We can also do this by checking in with our friends and loved ones and ask how they’re doing. You’ll never know who needs it!

7. End every day with gratitude

Every night before going to bed, think of all that you have accomplished, learned or were blessed with during the day. Research shows that cultivating gratitude will help alleviate any negativity you might be feeling, and reminds you that not everything that’s happening right now is bad or depressing.

Doing any of the above does not mean that you should ignore the dangers of COVID-19. But if you keep a positive outlook and help those whom you can – all while practicing minimum health standards – you can reduce your stress and better manage your anxiety during these uncertain times.

Written by Jac of Mindnation

Self Help

7 Ways To Get Out Of A Bad Mood

Anything can put us in a bad mood – a poor night’s sleep, hunger, workplace issues, relationship problems, or current events! But because it’s never a good idea to stay angry for long, below are some ways you can calm down and carry on.

1. Take a nap

Studies have shown that sleep loss can increase negative emotions such as anxiety, restlessness, and sadness. So if you are in a bad mood because you are tired from staying up all night, go take a quick nap so you can relax and revive your energy. Then at night, make sure you turn in earlier than your regular sleep time.

2. Be with nature

The past few years has seen the rise in popularity of ecotherapy — a type of therapeutic treatment which seeks to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression in people by having them spend more time in nature. The next time you are on the verge of blowing your top, step out of the room – literally. Take a walk around the block, take off your shoes and step barefoot on the grass in your garden, or do some yoga stretches outdoors. If there is no greenery outside your house, listening to nature sounds on Spotify or YouTube can also help soothe your temper.

3. Have a good laugh

A hearty laugh has been proven to be good for one’s health – it relieves physical tension and stress, decreases stress hormones, and triggers the overall release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Anytime you’re feeling irritable, turn to Nextflix or YouTube so you can catch reruns or clips of your favorite sitcoms, stand-up comics, or funny cat videos. 

4. Take a social media break

Multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media use and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, and self-harm. While you might turn to social media to distract yourself from whatever is causing your bad mood, it might end up making you more irritable and dissatisfied because you might come across posts that make you feel  (1) inadequate about your life or appearance, (2) that others are having more fun than you, or (3) lonely. So reduce the time you spend online and spend more time with friends offline. Which brings us to the next tip…

5. Call a friend

When you are close to exploding, the best thing to do is to get your issues off your chest so that you feel lighter and better. And who better to listen to your rants, complaints, or tirades than your best friends? They are perfect if you need a sounding board, a shoulder to cry on, or to give advice on how to sort out your problem.

MindNation has a 24/7 Friend you can chat with for FREE via Facebook Messenger, too! It’s completely confidential and they’re trained to help you ease your anxieties. Start chatting here: 🤗

6. Just press play!

The psychological effects of music can be powerful and wide-ranging. Music therapy has been proven to promote emotional health, help people cope with stress, and boost psychological well-being. Put together a playlist of your favorite feel-good songs and open it whenever you need a dose of good vibrations.

7. Have a bite

There are two ways our stomachs can make us stressed or irritable – if we’re hungry (did not eat enough) or bloated (ate too much unhealthy food). A healthy snack — something high in protein and good fats that is satisfying — can fill you up and give you the fresh energy to get through the rest of the day.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

It’s perfectly normal to lapse into a bad mood, but if you let your anger stew for too long, it can affect your mental and physical health as well as your relationship with others. The next time you’re feeling irritable or stressed, try the above tips and see if your disposition improves.

Written by Jac of MindNation

Mental Health 101 Self Help

Do’s And Don’ts For Dealing With Insomnia

What should you do when you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep? Hint: Netflix is not the answer.

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep.

How should you deal with the times where you wake up at 3 a.m. and find yourself unable to go back to sleep?

The first thing you need to do is rule out physical health problems: conditions like frequent urination, pain, sleep apnea, or acid reflux can prevent you from sleeping soundly. But if you’re sure that your insomnia is caused by stress or anxiety, here are some things you can try:

Do: Relaxing exercises

As you lie in bed awake, give your mind something to focus on beside the fact that you can’t fall asleep. You can try meditation coupled with deep breathing exercises; smartphone apps like Headspace and Calm offer guided meditation, but just remember to open the app quickly, plug in your headphones, and put the phone away as soon as the app is running. Another technique is to progressively tense and relax your muscles – starting from your toes, tense each muscle group for five seconds, then relax, then work your way up until you end with the muscles on your forehead. 

Don’t: Watch the clock

Staring at the minutes go by and realizing how much sleep you’re losing out on will only stress you out, activating your nervous system and making you feel more alert instead of sleepy. If you have a bedside clock, turn the clock face away from you or put it someplace where you cannot see it.

Instead of marking off the minutes, use your “mind clock” to estimate how long you have been awake.   

Photo by Thought Catalog on

Do: Leave the room and do something else

If you feel that more than 20 minutes in your mind clock has passed and you’re still wide awake, get up from the bed and move to a chair, couch, or go to another room entirely (but NOT to the kitchen for a midnight snack). You don’t want to associate your bed with sleeplessness. Do a boring, low-key activity using low lamplight, like reading (not an e-book), coloring, knitting, or listening to soft music. Keep yourself occupied until you’re bored enough to fall asleep again.

Don’t: Look at social media or turn on the television

This is not the time to catch up on your favorite TV series, because it will keep you up when you should be looking for ways to wind down. Neither do we recommend doing anything with your smartphone, because the phone emits blue light which can disrupt your circadian rhythm (your body’s sleep-wake cycle) and inhibits melatonin production (the hormone that also regulates the sleep-wake cycle). If you scroll through social media, you might inadvertently come across distressing news or receive work-related messages – all of which can be potential sources of stress and make it more difficult for you to go back to sleep. 

The next time you find yourself wide awake in the middle of the night, don’t panic. Instead, do relaxing activities so you can return to a state of drowsiness. But if you experience insomnia for more than a month, or if the lack of sleep starts interfering with daytime activities, it’s time to seek the help of a medical professional. 

Chronic insomnia affects up to 20% of adults. Many adults don’t seek treatment for it. Seek medical advice if you experience symptoms that last longer than a month or so. Ditto if lack of sleep interferes with your daytime activities.

Written by Jac of MindNation

Featured Mental Health 101 Self Help

Coping With Coronavirus Anxiety

2020 is the year of COVID-19 and the virus shows no signs of slowing down. It has claimed lives, closed down businesses, and upended our daily routines. Everyday we watch the news in the hopes that a vaccine has already been developed, but until that happens many of us are left in a state of perpetual helplessness and anxiety. These feelings are understandable as they help keep us mindful and safe, but they also need to be managed so that they do not keep us from enjoying our lives. Here are six suggestions:

1 Limit your exposure to information about the pandemic. Incessantly consuming news about the virus outbreak heightens and perpetuates anxiety. Rather than looking at the news channel all day, define specific times of day to watch the news or read updates. 

2. Do things to lessen anxiety. Exercising, meditating and journaling are all good strategies for managing your anxiety levels.

3. Indulge in distractions. Reading a book, doing a puzzle, watching a movie, or playing a board game can help take your mind off the pandemic, even for just a little while. 

4. Maintain a daily routine. If you live in a country that still has quarantine policies in place, odds are your typical daily regimen has been disrupted. Even if you are isolating at home, try to develop and keep to a revised routine. Predictable schedules provide a semblance of control and can ease anxiety. 

5. Drink moderately. While consuming alcohol may relax you, it’s not a good long-term strategy. Many anxiety-sufferers report surges in anxiety the day following consumption of alcohol. 

6. Consider professional counseling. Psychotherapy can be very helpful during times of extraordinary stress. Having a trained third party who can help you develop goals and support you as you learn to manage your struggle is highly important. Many mental health professionals and organizations have moved their operations to a telehealth format, which means you can seek help while practicing social distancing. 


Need someone to speak to? MindNation psychologists are available 24/7 if you need someone to talk to. Book a teletherapy session at

Featured Mental Health 101 Self Help

8 Ways To Protect Yourself From Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is defined as the use of electronic communication to torment a person, typically by sending hurtful or threatening messages. Other forms of cyberbullying include:

  • Posting sensitive, private information about a person for the purpose of hurting or embarrassing that person
  • Pretending to be someone else in order to make that person look bad and/or to intentionally exclude someone from an online group
  • Making cruel websites about a person
  • Spreading rumors online or through texting

Celebrities are the most common victims of cyberbullying because of their heightened online presence, but anyone with a social media account can be a target – men, women, and even children. 

If you are being attacked online, it can create anxiety and stress and even possibly lead to panic attacks and depression. Your self-esteem, confidence, and social skills can also be affected. But don’t worry, there are ways you can restore some control over the situation. Below are 10 steps you can take if you are being cyberbullied:

  1. Do not engage. Those who cyberbully want you to react. But if you respond angrily, the one doing the bullying may feed off of that response and continue (or even escalate the severity of) the cyberbullying. Plus, there could be consequences for your response – they might turn the tables and accuse YOU of bullying them.
  1. Block/delete/ban the bullies. Out of sight is out of mind. But if the bullying still persists, proceed to step 3. 
  1. Take screenshots of everything. Before you report the bully, keep evidence of all content (pictures, texts, emails, tweets, status updates, blog posts) that the person has sent or posted about you. You can even make screen recordings of Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram Stories. You will need them as evidence when you proceed to step 4. 
  1. Report it to your employer or the police. If the person harassing you is a co-worker, then your employer needs to know about it because it is preventing you from doing your job. If threats of physical harm are made, or if the cyberbullying starts to get more dangerous, you can file charges with the police.

5) Report the bullying to the site or network on which it occurs. Every reputable website has a “Report” feature that allows you to tell them about behaviors that violate their terms of use. Guilty parties will then be banned. 

6) Tighten up your privacy settings. Make sure that only those personally known to you have access to your content. If this still fails, proceed to the next step.

7) Change your profile on social media. Set up a new online account completely. Use a different name, photo, and even contact details.

8) Talk about it with someone. Talking to someone about what you are going through, even if it is just to vent, can be very therapeutic. They might have gone through similar situations and could be able to give you advice. If you think you may be experiencing overwhelming depression or anxiety, seek out counselling. 

Never tolerate cyberbullying. Even a short duration of being a cyber-victim can impact your mental well-being. By taking the steps above, you can take back your right to live peacefully and safely. 

Featured Get Inspired Mental Health 101

How To Help A Friend With Mental Health Challenges

5 things you can do to support a friend with mental health challenges. And 4 things you don’t have to do. 

Everyone knows how to take care of a friend who has the flu or a sprained ankle; but what do you do if she says she is depressed, stressed, or not acting like herself? 

While it can be very scary, confusing, or awkward when a loved one has a mental illness, all the more we need to give our extra love and support. Research has confirmed that support from family and friends is a key part of helping someone who is going through a mental illness. Not sure what to do? Below are some ways you can be a good friend to someone who is struggling:

  1. Listen without making judgements. 

People who are going through difficult circumstances most likely feel very alone, so just having a sounding board or a shoulder to cry on can already be a tremendous help. You don’t have to pretend you feel the same way as your friend; just saying “That sounds hard” is already enough because it conveys to your friend that you are validating her feelings, and that what she is going through is not an overreaction. 

  1. Ask how you can help. 

Sometimes help can be in the form of taking on extra tasks on your friend’s behalf, or offering solutions to the problem. But if you don’t know exactly what she needs, don’t hesitate to ask. It shows you care and takes the guesswork away.  Another way to help would be to encourage her to seek professional advice, or, if she is not yet ready, refer her to practical information or resources online.

  1. Understand her limitations. 

If your friend is angry with someone, don’t push her to make amends right away If she is depressed, don’t expect her to go out with you every time you invite her. Give her time and space to sort through her feelings, but check in every once in awhile to make sure that the emotions do not escalate into something more negative.

  1. Don’t gossip. 

People are afraid to open up about their mental health problems because they worry that others might begin to regard them in a negative light. So if a friend confides in you, respect her trust and keep the conversation between yourselves. However, if she starts talking about committing dangerous acts or inflicting self-harm, consult a family member or a professional immediately. 

  1. Offer distractions. 

Listening and offering advice is good, but you don’t have to talk about her mental health every time you are together. Share what is going on with your life, talk about something you’re both interested in, or do other fun and energizing activities together to take her mind off her problems. 

Things you DON’T have to do:

Resist the urge, however, to be wholly responsible for your friend’s mental health condition. When supporting someone who is going through a difficult time, here are some things you are not obliged to do: 

  1. Be available 24/7
  2. Put yourself in danger to watch over your friend
  3. Feel guilty if things are going well for you
  4. Stay in the relationship if it is no longer working for you

Always remember that your own health and well-being should come first. If your friend’s condition is too much for you to handle, or if she is threatening to commit suicide or harming someone else, the best thing would be for you to take a step back and refer her to a mental health professional help right away. 


Does your friend need someone to speak to? MindNation psychologists are available 24/7 for teletherapy sessions. Book a session now thru

Get Inspired Mental Health 101 Self Help

8 Ways To Have A Healthy Relationship With Your Body

Body image is defined as how you think and feel about your body. Having concerns about how you look is not in itself a mental illness, but a negative body image can trigger a range of problems such as putting you at higher risk for depression and eating disorders. 

Here are some steps you can take to develop a healthier body image:

  1. Treasure what your body can do. Every day, your body works tirelessly to let you eat, breathe, sleep, laugh, play, dream, have sex, earn money, etc. Be thankful for this amazing body.
  1. Make a list of the 10 things you like about yourself that have nothing to do with your weight or appearance. Refer to this list every day, so that you will feel good about yourself regardless of how you look. 
  1. Remember that true beauty is not skin deep. Beauty is a state of mind. The most charismatic people in the world are not necessarily the most physically attractive; instead, they are the ones who feel good about themselves, and therefore radiate a sense of confidence and openness that makes others gravitate towards them.  
  1. When you look at the mirror, don’t nitpick. Don’t focus on specific body parts and what is wrong with them; instead, see yourself as you want others to see you – as a whole person. 
  1. Have good role models. Surround yourself with body positive people. It will be easier to feel good about your body when you are with friends who have a healthy body image. 
  1. Search for body positive affirmations online. Then print them out and post them where you can see them often. The next time you feel bad about how you look, refer to these mantras to pick yourself up. 
  1. When choosing clothes, pick comfort over trends. Everyone’s body built is differently, so the outfit that looks good on a supermodel or your co-worker will not necessarily look as good on you. Instead, choose clothes that flatter what you already have; when you are comfortable, you will feel good and confident. 
  1. Watch what you see on social and mass media. Photographs can be manipulated to look good with the aid of proper lighting, filters, and Photoshop. People can also change the way they look through shapewear, makeup, and hair extensions. Don’t feel envious or sad; be aware that what you see is not necessarily what is real. 

Transforming negative thoughts into a positive body image will not happen overnight. Let the list above guide you in taking small steps towards a healthier way of regarding your body. Hopefully one day, you will embrace the body that you naturally have and feel better about yourself.