Featured Mental Health 101

5 Ways to Cultivate Empathy in Small Children

Empathy is the ability to imagine how someone else is feeling in a particular situation and respond with compassion. It is a complex skill to develop in small children because they are still at an age when their needs are being met on-demand and they aren’t fully in control of their own emotions yet, let alone recognize what others may be feeling. However, empathy is also an essential life skill to learn because research has shown that it can build healthy and happy relationships with family and friends, as well as do well in school.

When a child is able to empathize, it means he or she can:

  • Understand that he/she is a separate individual, his/her own person
  • Understand that others can have different thoughts and feelings than he/she has
  • Recognize the common feelings that most people experience – happiness, surprise, anger, sadness, etc.
  • Look at a particular situation (i.e. watching a classmate tearfully say good-bye to his/her parent at play school) and imagine how he/she himself might feel in that moment
  • Imagine what response might be appropriate or comforting in the above situation – i.e. offer his/her friend a toy to comfort him/her

Here are some things parents can do to teach empathy to their toddler:

  • Show your child empathy. A common mistake parents make is to shush their child whenever he/she is crying – “Don’t be a crybaby, you have to be brave, you’re being embarrassing, etc.” Doing this teaches your child that feelings do not matter. Instead of brushing his emotions aside, ask him/her what is making him afraid or upset, acknowledge what he/she said, and find ways to resolve what is making him/her upset. “Are you afraid of the dog? I know his loud barks can be scary, but don’t worry, he is tied up so he cannot hurt you. Here, let me hold your hand as we pass by.”
  • Talk about other people’s feelings. In the same vein, when we see other toddlers crying or acting up, our first instinct is to hustle our own child away from the hubbub. But doing so teaches him/her that we should ignore other people’s unpleasant feelings. Instead of avoiding the situation, try discussing what happened – “How do you think he/she’s feeling?” and “Why is he/she feeling that way?” are questions that three-year-olds can easily understand and answer. Research has shown that when families routinely do this, kids can learn a lot about other people’s perspectives and how their minds function.

If your child personally knows the peer in distress (i.e. a family member or a classmate in play school), encourage him to personally reach out and find ways to offer comfort.

  • Be a role model. When your child sees you consistently acting kindly and respectfully to others (i.e. opening doors for strangers, carrying the things of older people, helping during times of crisis), they will emulate these habits as they grow older.
  • Use chores to teach them to be mindful and considerate of others. Toddlers can already be taught to pack away their toys, water the plants, and even set the table. Not only do these actions teach them about helpfulness, it also reinforces respect for others.
  • Be patient. Developing empathy takes time. There are teenagers (and even some adults) who lack empathetic skills, so don’t expect too much from your toddler. Especially between the ages of 0-3, it is perfectly normal for them to focus solely on themselves and their emotions, so the most you can do for now is to introduce the concept in their everyday lives so that it eventually becomes a habit.

Written by Jac of MindNation

Mental Health 101

Empathy vs. Sympathy: Why empathy matters more

Empathy is one of the most important aspects of creating harmonious relationships, reducing stress, and enhancing emotional awareness.

Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their perspective, and imagine yourself in their place. It is putting yourself in someone else’s position and feeling what they must be feeling.

Empathy vs. sympathy

Empathy is often interchanged with sympathy, but while the two are related, they do not mean the same thing.

Sympathy is a shared feeling, usually of sorrow, pity, or compassion for another person. You show concern for another person when you feel sympathy for them.

For example, when someone experiences the death of a loved one, you feel sympathy towards that person. You may feel sad for them, but if you have not experienced a death in your own family, you might not have empathy for their situation.

On the other hand, empathy is stronger and deeper than sympathy. It is the ability to put yourself in the place of another and understand their feelings by identifying with them.

Why empathy is important

Without empathy, people will go about life without considering how other people feel or what they may be thinking. It becomes easy to make assumptions and jump to conclusions about others, and this often leads to misunderstandings, miscommunication, divisiveness, conflict, and fractured relationships.

Empathy encourages us to work out our differences more productively and maintain harmonious ties with people who may think and act differently from us, thereby reducing stress.

Empathizing with others also helps us regulate our own emotions. Emotional regulation is important because it allows us to manage what we are feeling, even in situations that are very upsetting, without becoming overwhelmed.

Lastly, empathy promotes helping behaviors. Not only are we more likely to engage in helpful behaviors when we feel empathy for other people, but other people are also more likely to help us when they experience empathy.

Tips for Practicing Empathy

If you would like to build your empathy skills, there are a few things that you can do:

  • Pay attention. Listen to people without interrupting. Pay attention to non-verbal cues like body language, as these can reveal what a person is really feeling.
  • Be curious. Instead of attacking someone for having a belief that is different from yours, engage in a calm, rational discussion and ask questions to find out why they think the way they do. More often than not, the answer lies in their life experience, which, while different from yours, is not wrong. Then examine your own biases and find out why you think differently from them.
  • Imagine yourself in another person’s shoes. Get out of your usual environment. Travel to new places or new environments, and mingle with the locals. Doing this will give you a new perspective of the world, and a better appreciation for others.
  • Be open to feedback. This is especially true in the workplace; don’t be afraid to receive constructive criticism from others. Humility is an important part of being an empathetic individual.

If you’re up for a challenge, try this: have a conversation with a stranger every week. It can be the security guard at your office building or the owner of the food stall where you get your lunch on weekdays. Doing this expands your worldview and improves your ability to empathize.

When we become sincere in developing understanding of others, we improve relationships and promote harmony in the community.

Written by Jac of MindNation

Self Help

7 Throwback Songs to Lighten Your Spirits

Ah, the magic of music!

Music therapy has proven to have great benefits for several mental health conditions, including depression, trauma, and schizophrenia. Music is a good medium for processing emotions, trauma, and grief — and can also be used as a calming tool for anxiety or dysregulation.

A method called lyric analysis is one of the most commonly used music therapy interventions with those struggling with mental health. It is a less intimidating approach involving deeply understanding and analyzing lyrics to better process and describe emotions that are otherwise hard to explain. Uplifting music is also used to motivate listeners to apply its positive message to their obstacles in life! Here are some throwback songs you can try analyzing to lighten your spirits if you’re feeling down:

1. “Unwell” by Matchbox Twenty

Memorable lines: “I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell… I’m just a little impaired”

Why you should listen: There’s no reason to feel that no one will ever understand what you are going through. The lyrics perfectly describe what anyone with a mental illness is going through, so if you need something to make you feel less alone, this song is it.

Listen to “Unwell” by Matchbox Twenty on Spotify

2. “Shake it out” by Florence + The Machine

Memorable lines: “And it’s hard to dance with a devil on your back; so shake him off!”

Why you should listen: Many people with mental illness hide their issues because they feel they have conform to societal norms or avoid stigma. But bottling up your feelings can lead to worse consequences in the future. Instead, try to find healthy outlets to express yourself.

Listen to “Shake it out” by Florence + The Machine on Spotify

3. “Let it be” by The Beatles

Memorable lines: “There will be an answer, let it be!”

Why you should listen: Life goes on and that change is a part of that life. So when everything seems hopeless, remember that nothing lasts forever. Instead of worrying over the future, just focus on what you can be grateful for today.

Listen to “Let it Be” by The Beatles on Spotify

4. “Titanium” by David Guetta ft. Sia

Memorable lines: You shoot me down but I won’t fall, I am titanium”

Why you should listen: When the going gets tough, it’s your mental strength that will get you through it. Cultivate habits that build positivity and resiliency so you can manage difficult situations better.

Listen to “Titanium” by David Guetta ft. Sia on Spotify

5. “Flashlight” by Jessie J

Memorable lines: “I’m stuck in the dark but you’re my flashlight / You’re getting me, getting me through the night”

Why you should listen: No one can battle a mental illness alone. Do not be afraid to ask for help, surround yourself with supportive people, and avoid those who only add toxicity to your life.

Listen to “Flashlight” by Jessie J on Spotify

6. “Wounds” by Kid Cudi

Memorable lines: “When you cannot find the version of yourself you seek /
You should dig deep / I’ma sew these wounds myself”

Why you should listen: Wounds is a great song for people fighting depression. In the song, we hear questions why we doesn’t feel “whole”, but it’s also talks about acceptance and learning to heal.

Listen to “Wounds” by Kid Cudi on Spotify

7. “Firework” by Katy Perry

Memorable lines: “Cause baby you’re a firework / Come on show ’em what you’re worth / Make ’em go “Oh, oh, oh!” / As you shoot across the sky-y-y”

Why you should listen: You can be an inspiration to others, even if you are struggling with mental illness. By sharing your story, you can encourage others to open up about their own issues and in the process seek support or treatment, thereby easing the loneliness and despair that they are most likely feeling.

Listen to “Firework” by Katy Perry on Spotify

Listening to music has been proven to help regulate emotions, improve mood, and create happiness and relaxation in everyday life. Do yourself a favor and plug on the earphones a few hours a day. Your mind will thank you for it!

Written by Jac of MindNation

Employee Wellness Mental Health 101

10 Tips to Manage Stress when you Work From Home (WFH)

Working from home (WFH) may seem like a dream come true in the beginning, but when you also have to manage the kids’ needs, home chores, and/or have to deal with co-workers who think being home means they can call you 24/7, the situation can quickly turn into a nightmare.

Here are some ways you can put in some order (and sanity) in your WFH set-up:

1. Set office hours and make sure everyone knows it

When you are working from your living room or bedroom, it’s easy for family members (especially kids) to assume that you are not working at all and just badger you for attention any time. The same is true for colleagues who think that there is nothing inappropriate with calling you up at midnight for a work-related query. Make it clear to workmates that you are only available during certain hours of the day, and that you will respect their time as well.

2. Establish your territory

Whether your workspace is a small table or a whole room (lucky you!), make sure it is used exclusively for work. This way, you can still separate “work life” from your “personal life.” In addition, furnish your space with pens, papers, and other materials that will be used solely for the “office.” This saves you the time (and stress) from constantly carrying materials back and forth, or misplacing them.

For your kids and other household members, instruct them that your working hours are sacred and you absolutely cannot be disturbed. Or if they do need to talk to you, they should knock first instead of barging in.

3. Discuss and delegate

If your spouse has free time to take over babysitting duties, perfect (don’t forget to return the favor when it’s his or her turn to be busy). If there are no other responsible adults around, have a serious discussion with your children beforehand about the importance of your “work hours”. This gives you peace and quiet to focus on your work but also the assurance that your children are safe and productive.  

4. Manage your deadlines by breaking them into chewable amounts

It is easy to procrastinate when you are working from home, so resist the temptation. Break down large projects into smaller steps, and set deadlines to complete each stage; this will make the overall output less overwhelming to do.

5. Make a to-do list

This might sound pretty basic, but it works! Start each day with a list of the tasks you need to accomplish at home and for work. Rank them according to importance, and organize your day so that you finish these to-do’s as soon as possible. Should you run out of time to do the less urgent tasks, don’t stress! You can always do them tomorrow.

6. Dress the part (even if it’s just the top-half!)

Unless you are mandated to dress up (i.e. you need to do a video-chat with upper management), you can pretty much wear whatever you want at your home office. But while there is no law against wearing pajamas all day, it might be the very thing making you feel sluggish and unmotivated. Better to slip into something that’s comfortable but at the same time semi-professional, comb your hair, put on some makeup – you’ll end up feeling more inspired to work.

7. Keep the Water Cooler Breaks

Don’t you just miss that walk to the water cooler and the talks with your office buddies? Take virtual lunch or coffee breaks together, and chat about non-work related matters. This helps ease the feeling of isolation, and will make you look forward to “going to work.”

8. Actually, just take breaks in general!

You do not have to be chained at your desk the whole time. Take a snack break or do some stretches every now and then. Come back to work when you are feeling more relaxed and refreshed.

9. Clock out and “go home”

Because the office desk is just a few steps away from the bedroom, it’s tempting to just keep working because your think you can stop anytime (which is actually counterproductive). Ignore the urge to work overtime! When office hours are over, shut down your laptop, keep it away, and ready yourself for home duties so you can properly rest. Your mind and body will thank you for it.

10. Practice gratitude

At the end of the day, the an attitude of gratitude will set you up to a calmer and more positive mood. While our situations vary greatly at home, we must always focus on the now, everything that went right, and how we can be better and do better tomorrow!

With the COVID-19 pandemic showing no signs of letting up, working from home is now becoming the norm for many. The set-up will take some getting used to, but by prioritizing your needs and building your mental resilience, you can settle into a comfortable routine in no time.

How do you practice calmness and routines when working from home?

Written by Jac of MindNation

Mental Health 101 Self Help

Making meaningful connections in the time of social distancing

While having alone time is a great way to recharge, extended periods of isolation can be detrimental to your health. In the past, many of us may have felt lonely from time to time. These feelings are usually short-term and don’t usually harm our mental health. However, the longer the quarantine goes on, these feelings turn long-term and can be associated with increased risk of mental health problems including depression, anxiety, and increased stress.

While it is imperative that everyone isolate at home during this time, social isolation or social distancing does not mean that we no longer have opportunities to connect with those we love. Thanks to technology and social media, there are many unique ways we can maintain ties and strengthen relationships while respecting social distancing rules. Here are some ways:

Create online gatherings to celebrate special occasions. If you typically celebrate birthdays by eating out as a group, you can still do that in the virtual world. Download video conferencing apps like Zoom or RingCentral, then spread the word that everyone has to be online at a specified time with their own meals at the ready. When everyone has logged on, dine together! And even if there are no occasions to celebrate, it will still be fun to make video chats with friends and family a regular thing.

Make new rituals. Miss your teachers and classmates at the yoga studio or the Zumba class? Has Sunday mass been part of your weekly ritual? You can still do all these through social media tools like Facebook Live or Instagram Stories. Muster up the discipline/motivation to make worship or working out part of your lockdown routine, as if it were the pre-pandemic days, just so you still have a semblance of connection and normalcy.

Tired of video calls? Try playlist collaborations or watch parties. Sure, video calls can get quite tiring. We can connect with those we love by sharing music and flicks we’ve been hooked on. (It’s also a great way to find new songs and titles to love!) Spotify has a feature where you and your friends can collaborate on Playlists, and Netflix Parties enable you to watch new movies or series simultaneously with cool chat features!

Help however you can. If you are in a position to give assistance to those who are in seemingly tougher situations (i.e. senior citizens living alone, front liners), you can do so safely, perhaps by having food delivered to them, or contributing money to fundraising activities. Volunteerism has been proven to have a positive effect on one’s emotional well-being, as well as make you feel that you are part of the community.

While it is for our absolute safety and the safety of those we love to keep physical distance, it does not translate to being emotionally distant as well. Now more than ever, we should find cooler and creative ways to show love and support especially to those who need it most!


Need someone to talk to? MindNation psychologists are available for teletherapy sessions 24/7. Book a session now thru


Written by Jac Chua of MindNation

Mental Health 101

5 Ways to Care for Your Child’s Mental Health During The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly shown us is that everything is uncertain. And no one feels the confusion more than our children who suddenly find their carefree lives on pause due to the lockdown. Suddenly, they are no longer allowed to play with friends, eat at their favorite restaurant on weekends, go on vacations. They also have endless questions about the virus, some of which us parents have no answers to, either!

Here are some ways you can help your children cope:

Stick to a schedule

In times of uncertainty, the structure of a daily routine provides predictability. Even if it feels as if they are on vacation because they no longer go to school, children should still follow regular wake-up and bedtimes, mealtimes, study time, and even time for play.

Make exercise mandatory

Just because they need to stay indoors does not mean they should be sedentary. Physical activity not only boosts the immune system (important when we are in the midst of a pandemic) it has also been proven to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Engage in rough play with younger kids, while older kids can do simple exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, and planking. 

Explain social distancing in an age-appropriate manner.

While younger children are content to just stay at home, teenagers may bristle at the loss of their freedom of movement, especially when they read on the news that their age group is not at high risk for contracting the disease. Instead of imposing your will, explain to them that while they might not get sick from COVID-19, there is the chance that they will become carriers of the virus and inadvertently infect older, more susceptible members of the household.

Filter news about the pandemic.

While we do want our children to be informed, barraging them with facts and figures (especially with infected, death, and recovery statistics) might overwhelm or frighten them. Instead, focus on imparting news that will make them feel safe and reassured, i.e. that scientists and policy-makers all over the world are doing all they can to find a solution.

Relax the rules on screen time.

If you used to only allow your child to play with their gadgets a few hours a day, consider allowing them an extra hour or so to video-chat with friends and extended family. This helps foster connections in the midst of social distancing. 

Lastly, remember that children take their emotional and behavioral cues from their parents. If they see you being stressed and anxious, they will most likely feel the same. So be a good role model and take care of your own mental health too.

Written by Jac of MindNation

Mental Health 101 Self Help

5 ways meditation can improve your mental health

People used to think that meditation (or the process of training the mind to focus on the breath) was only something that monks, gurus, or hermits did in mountaintop temples or caves. But in recent years, practitioners of conventional medicine have also begun to prescribe mindful breathing techniques as a means of improving one’s mental health.

Here are 5 science-based benefits of meditation:

  • Reduces stress. When you focus your attention on your breath, you eliminate the jumbled and stress-inducing thoughts that are running around your head.
  • Controls anxiety. By focusing on your breathing, you are directing your mind to the safe present, instead of to an uncertain future.
  • Promotes emotional health. Meditation teaches us that we are like bystanders standing on the sidewalk, and that the cars passing by in front of us are our thoughts, feelings and emotions. Instead of forcing ourselves to run with the cars/emotions (which may cause stress, anxiety, and depression), we should simply acknowledge that they exist, then allow them to go by without making any judgements.
  • Lengthens attention span. Meditation is all about grounding and becoming aware of the “now”. The practice trains your brain to focus instead of wander.
  • Can make you more empathic. When you are calmer and less anxious, you become less irritable and short-tempered. You also develop more positive thoughts and feelings about yourself.

Meditation is to the mind what exercise is to the body. If you want to give it a try but don’t know how to go about it, apps like Headspace and Calm are beginner-friendly places to start. Good luck and don’t forget to inhale, exhale!

Written by Jac of MindNation

Mental Health 101 Self Help

8 Ways To Eat Better While On Lockdown

As we approach Week I-Have-Lost-Count of the lockdown, many of us have been eating more canned, processed, or junk food than usual. Whether it’s to pass time or prepare meals quicker, this habit does no good for our bodies or our brains.

Yes, gut health has been scientifically proven to affect mental health as well. There have been many studies showing that people with poor diet exhibit more mood disorders, including anxiety and depression.

But how can you start eating healthy when you barely know how to turn on the stove, or when access to your healthier food supply is limited? Here are some easy suggestions to kickstart your road to better eating:

1. Eat more fruits.

Switch up your sweets with fruits! They satiate your palate with less harmful effects versus its refined, packaged counterparts.

2. Control portion sizes.

We’re not saying you should stop eating junk food – but instead of finishing the whole bag in one sitting, take it as a challenge to not chomp down until you’re full. Take a small serving for yourself, just enough to have a taste of that snack you love and save the rest for next time!

3. Drink more water.

Drinking enough water keeps our brain from having to struggle against the effects of dehydration, allowing us to think more clearly than if we let ourselves get dehydrated. For a refreshing boost, you can add slices of lemon, cucumber, or mint. If you must have juices, go for the unsweetened variants, and just add a bit of honey.

4. Switch to whole grains.

White rice is tasty but also highly processed. You can get more nutrients (and maybe feel a lot more full) from unpolished grains – black/red/brown rice. If you find their taste too bland, cook them in broth, add garlic or add pandan instead of just plain water.

5. Try a meatless diet once a week

A balanced meatless diet is that it is full of “superfoods” like berries and nuts that are known to be beneficial for mental functioning. Vegetarians, in cross-sectional and interventional studies, showed fewer symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, and mood disturbance than omnivores. Grilled cheese sandwiches, mashed potatoes, and mushroom soup are examples of meatless meals that are delicious but also easy to make.

6. Make yogurt a kitchen staple.

Yogurt is rich in probiotics (friendly gut bacteria) and have been proven to positively affect mental health directly. Purchase the plain/unsweetened variants, and just add fruits or honey for some healthy sweetness.

7. Set up a meal schedule.

Eating whenever you feel like it will just lead to mindless snacking. Instead, follow an eating schedule as if it were a regular workday, so that you become more aware and in control of your consumption.

8. Rearrange your pantry.

Out of sight is out of mind, so keep the sweets and junk food in hard-to-reach places like the topmost rack. Then put the healthier snack alternatives at eye level.

With just a few modifications, you are on your way to locking down a healthier quarantine diet. Bon appetit!

Mental Health 101

Supermom might be Super Stressed

This weekend, forget the flowers and chocolates; what moms need more are longer naps and someone else to do the meal-planning.

Stay-at-home mom. Single mom. Working mom. Working-from-home mom.

Whatever kind of mom they are, we can be sure that each and everyone of them is more stressed than usual these days, as the day-to-day anxieties of managing the home are now compounded by the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, how about giving your mom the gift of better mental health? Here are some ways you can relieve their mental tension:

  • Take on a task. By taking just one or two things away from her to-do list, you are giving mom the gift of time – time that she can use to rest and for her brain to slow down. No gesture is too small — if you can’t cook, offer to be the one to order takeout; if you don’t know how to operate the washing machine, at least offer to hang the clothes up afterwards.
  • Encourage her to exercise. Physical movement can release anxiety and mentally rejuvenate those under stress. Exercise also releases endorphins (chemicals that make us happy). Look for online workouts that you can do together, or offer to be her timer or spotter when she does her reps.
  • Make her laugh. There’s a reason for the saying “Laughter is the best medicine.” A good belly laugh can dispel worries faster than you can say “Knock knock.” Encourage her laughter, whether it’s looking at funny videos on Youtube or convincing her to watch sitcoms instead of Korean dramas.
  • Give her sleep. Many mothers are plagued by insomnia, so a full-night’s sleep (or even just a quality nap) is the best gift you can give. Watch the kids in the other room while she naps, or take over their bedtime routine at night so that she has time to wind down herself after a long day of managing the household. Then in the morning, be the one to wake the kids and manage their breakfast needs, to allow her a bit of a lie-in. The gift of sleep will give her back her brain, her sense of calm, and allow her to access the parts of herself that become reactive and anxious when sleep-deprived.
  • Listen. Moms often turn to girl friends for advice, but because everyone is isolating at home and there are no more opportunities for girls’ night outs, she must be feeling pretty lonely and unsupported right now. Offer your services instead, and when you do, simply listen and refrain from giving advice (unless she expressly asks for it). Try not to focus on the subject of her worry, but instead, validate the feelings and emotions around it. More often than not, she just needs someone to unburden her feelings to; a reassuring gesture or an understanding nod will make her feel that she is not alone.

Remember that a happy mom can translate to a happy home and family. So if the wonderful super mom in your life continues to struggle emotionally, encourage her to seek care from her doctor and a licensed mental health therapist trained in maternal mental health. Reassure her she does not need to keep it in.

Have a calm and beautiful Mother’s Day!

Written by Jacq of MindNation

Mental Health 101

5 Common Misconceptions About Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Let us break the stigma associated with mental illness!

In a report published last October 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified mental disorders as one of the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide. In fact, it is expected that one in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives

Globally, there are around 450 million people who are currently suffering from mental problems, but nearly two-thirds of them are not getting professional help. They choose to suffer in silence, mostly because they worry about the stigma and discrimination that they might face if their condition becomes known. Many myths and misconceptions about the mentally ill still abound, and people with symptoms are afraid that their loved ones will shun them, or their careers and employment will be affected.

Below are some common mental health myths:

1. You’re either mentally ill or mentally healthy

First of all, we do not hold our physical bodies to the same either/or standard — we know that it is possible to have the physical health of an Olympic athlete, or be bedridden forever, or to be a relatively normal person with poor eyesight or high cholesterol.

The same is true with our minds – mental health is a spectrum and a person may fall anywhere within that range. They can be severely mentally ill (i.e. diagnosed with schizophrenia or major depression), or simply have an emotional problem or two. Even if you think you are doing well, there is a good chance you are not 100% mentally healthy. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates only about 17% of adults are in a state of “optimal” mental health.

2. Mental illness is a sign of weakness.

Truth: Many people automatically assume that people with depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions are mentally “weak.” But mental strength is not the same as mental health. Just as someone with diabetes can still run a marathon, someone with depression can still be mentally strong. In fact, many people with mental health issues are incredibly mentally strong – it’s how they are still able to do what society expects of them (go to work, be a parent, etc) despite feeling the way they do.

3. You can’t prevent mental health problems.

Truth: It’s true that not all mental health problems are avoidable – factors like genetics and traumatic life events make some mental disorders inevitable. But there are steps you can take to improve your mental health and prevent further mental illness – establishing healthy habits (i.e. good sleep, exercise) and getting rid of the destructive ones (i.e. comparing yourself to what you see on social media) can go a long way in making your mind better.

4. People with mental illness are unstable/crazy/unhinged/violent.

Photo by Lisa Fotios on

Truth: Perpetrators of violent crimes most likely have a mental illness, but not everyone with a mental illness becomes a criminal. In fact, many people with mental health problems are highly productive members of the community.

5. Mental health problems are forever.

Truth: While not all mental illnesses are fully curable (example: schizophrenia requires lifelong treatment even if the symptoms have subsided), most mental health problems are treatable, using a combination of medicine and therapy, and patients are able to return to their regular lives and activities soon after.

People with mental health problems should not be shunned. Just like we would never abandon someone with the flu, or discriminate against someone with cancer, we must also offer care and support to those who are suffering from mental illnesses.

Written by Jaclyn of MindNation

MindNation psychologists are available for teletherapy sessions 24/7. Book a session now thru